India Should Hand Over Hindu Terrorists To Pakistan: Al Daawaa
This is what most Pakistanis hoped to hear from their political leaders. But they have proven once again that they love their foreign houses and bank accounts more than the homeland. With all their empty arrogance, not a single Pakistani official dared make a single bold statement against the barrage of Indian B.S.
When people like Ahmed Mukhtar, the defense minister, and Khursheed Shah, another PPP minister, were sheepishly justifying their government's weak responses to American and Indian arrogance, it was the Pakistan Air Force Chief who came out to contradict them. These politicians were exposed for who they are. This also exposes the unworkable Pakistani democracy that always brings to power the worst of the worst.
Unlike these 'leaders', Jamaat al Daawah is made up of honorable men. We might disagree with some of their ideas but not with their intentions. Facing belligerent Indian statements, the Pakistani charity group, Jama'at al Da'awah, has made a demand for the extradition of Indian Hindu terror suspects involved in killing Pakistanis on Indian soil, as they did when they burned Pakistanis alive in Samjota Express, the so-called 'friendship' train.
The Pakistani extradition demand, according to al Daawah, should include the name of the leader of the Indian opposition, L. K. Advani, who is wanted in Pakistan for attempted assassination on the Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah after Independence. Advani fled to India when Pakistani police was hunting for him. Regardless of what you think of Prof. Saeed's politics, you can't but salute this courage under fire.
We wait for the day when Pakistan will see the rise of bold, courageous Pakistani nationalist leaders who emulate the example of countries such as China in its modernity, prosperity, strength and pride. Pakistani citizens yearn for an upright, proud and nationalist Pakistani leadership that can effectively defend Pakistan's interest and modernize the nation.
Below is the full statement of Prof. Saeed and details of a visit organized by Jamaat al Daawah to its premises for members of the international media based in Pakistan. The purpose was to debunk Indian claims of the complicity of Jamaat al Daawah in Mumbai attacks, where India is working overtime to shift the heat toward Pakistan and deflect its own massive security and political failures:
02-Dec-2008, 3rd Dhul Hijjah, 1429
"In his reaction to news regarding the list of 20 individuals wanted by India which has been handed over to Pakistan, a spokesman for Jama't-ud-Da'wah Pakistan, Muhammad Yahya Mujahid, has said Ameer, Jama't-ud-Da'wah Pakistan, Prof. Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, is a religious leader who has never, at any time, advocated or supported the use of terrorism, nor is he a proponent of clandestine activities of any kind. He said India is employing propaganda in its efforts to hide the crimes of Hindu extremist organizations.
In a statement issued here today, the spokesman said Pakistan too, should demand extradition of the killers of thousands of Indian Muslims, as well as extradition of other Hindu terrorists, such L. K. Advani, Narinder Modi, Bal Thackeray, and serving Indian Army officer, Col. Prohit.

The spokesman said Hafiz Saeed has never been convicted of any crime; neither in Pakistan, nor in any other country of the world, whereas there is an existing registered FIR against L. K. Advani, the leader of an extremist Indian organization, for the murder of Pakistan's founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It will therefore be entirely in accordance with international legal standards, as well as in accordance with the wishes of the people of Pakistan, he said, to demand the extradition of L. K. Advani and other Hindu terrorists.
The spokesman said an agreement to provide complete protection to minorities had been made by both countries at the time of partition of the subcontinent, yet in complete dissimilarity to Pakistan, minorities in India including, Christians, Sikhs, Dalits, and Muslims, have absolutely no safety and protection whatsoever.
Yahya Mujahid said the Indian demand to hand over 20 individuals is extremely ridiculous and India should not try to act like a superpower as it is only making a laughingstock of itself in the whole world."
Media Representatives, Including Indians, Tour Markaz-e-Taiba
04-Dec-2008, 5th Dhul Hijjah, 1429
In response to incessant negative Indian propaganda, Jama't-ud-Da'wah today invited several members of the national and international media to tour Markaz-e-Taiba, Mureedkay. Jama't-ud-Da'wah gave absolutely unrestricted access to these representatives of the media to go wherever they liked, and check out whatever they wanted. The visitors included media representatives from Britain, United States of America, as well as from India, too. Media teams from CNN, IBN, etc, were part of the delegation.
These media representatives spent around four hours touring the sprawling educational-cum-residential complex and were thoroughly amazed to see the reality of Markaz-e-Taiba in comparison to Indian propaganda. They were surprised to see that the reviled object of incessant and vociferous Indian propaganda consists of nothing more remarkable than a commonplace masjid (mosque), a madrassah (seminary), a science college, and a girls' school.
The representatives of the media interviewed students and staff of the Ad-Da'wah Science College, various residents of the Markaz, employees, etc. Members of the international media were amazed to see that there was no military training center here, nor were any jihadis discovered on the premises.
In a briefing to the representatives of the media, Jama't-ud-Da'wah's spokesman, Abdullah Muntazir, said negative propaganda against Jama't-ud-Da'wah is nothing new, and said, contrary to Indian propaganda, Jama't-ud-Da'wah is a humanitarian relief and public service organization which is doing extensive relief work in all parts of the country, including construction of shelters and provision of food for quake survivors, free medical camps in underdeveloped areas, as well as provision of clean water wells and pumps in various parts of the country where clean water is not available, ambulance service in various towns and cities, and several other projects.
In reply to a question from one of the visitors, Abdullah Muntazir said Ameer, Jama't-ud-Da'wah Pakistan, Prof. Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, is a special object of Indian propaganda because from time to time, Hafiz Saeed exposes and highlights Indian conspiracies against Pakistan in his speeches and interviews, and India is displeased by this truthful exposure.
The two press releases were issued by Jama'at al Da'awah and reprinted here without change.
An Ahmed Quraishi REPORT
Wednesday, 10 December 2008.
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