Palestinian Boy Used as Human Shield, but…

George Galloway on Gaza

Used as a shield, but by who? See for yourself, actions of the TSI (terrorist state of israel) and its ITF (Israeli terrorist force). In this photo below, you see how Israel is using a Palestinian child as a human shield on its tank. What cowards! I mean, they have all the military fire-power in the world, and they still need kids to save their dirty little souls from being sent to hell.

What a great indictment of the entire propaganda of Israel that Hamas uses children as human shields!

They have yet to show a SINGLE instance of solid evidence of actual use of this tactic. If it was so widespread, then you would see it on every news channel… after all, IDF is the only propaganda machine allowed into Gaza! Hamas may be everything that its enemies want it to be, but they are still fathers and mothers, and they love their children like everyone else. If they are indeed "Islamists", then they would be following Islam and not putting innocent children in harm's way. You can't have it both ways: either they are Islamists or they use children as human shields. 38% women and children. Probably another 50% innocent civilians. Seems like there are more shields than militants!

Israel, you can run, but you can't hide!


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