Colorful & Flowering Trees

What's your favorite color? These trees will quickly bring a new look to your landscape. Whether you're looking for seasonal flair or a tree that really stands out, Big Tex has a HUGE selection of Colorful and Blooming trees.

Orchid Tree


Bauhinia variegata
One of the most colorful and beautiful trees we carry, plain and simple. We carry both the Bauhinia and Hong Kong varieties.
Orchid Tree info



Jacaranda mimosifolia
This is the purple flowering tree seen all across the Southern U.S. blooming in spring. This tree grows very fast and provides a soft, filtered shade with incredible blooms.
Jacaranda info

Tipu Tree


Tipuana tipu
Tipu trees are rapidly becoming one of the most popular varieties we sell. It grows incredibly fast, providing an umbrella of shade. They thrive in our summer heat.
Tipu Tree info

Museum Palo Verde


Cercidium-parkinsonia hybrid
Very fast growing hybrid version of the classic Palo Verde. Provides the unique green trunks of the original only it grows faster, cleaner, thornless, and blooms longer.
Museum Palo Verde info

Purple Leaf Plum


Prunus cerasifera
Unique purple leaves provide a year-round strong color that contrasts extremely well with other tree species. Purple leaf plums briefly show a pink flower display for added character.
Purple Leaf Plum info



Albizia julibrissin
This beautiful rainforest-style tree actually performs very well in the intense sun. Unique pink blooms highlight the tree throughout most of the late Spring, into early Summer.
Mimosa info

Crape Myrtle


Lagerstroemia indica
This extremely colorful small tree makes a perfect choice for color lovers! Very long bloom period starts mid summer and lasts thru mid fall. One of the very few trees that provides summer color.
Crape Myrtle info

Oleander Tree


Nerium oleander
A rare combination of being an evergreen and producing vibrant color, makes the Oleander tree useful in many landscapes. It's fantastic for shading in smaller courtyards and patios.
Oleander info

Flowering Pear


Pyrus calleryana
This bright green tree features a cascade of snow white flowers in early spring. This tree functions very well as a small to medium size shade tree. Brilliant red fall foliage is also a plus!
Flowering Pear info

Chitalpa Tree


Chiltalpa tashkinensis
This is a great choice for those desiring a tree with a softer, greener appearance. Beautiful pink blooms are present from summer through fall. 
Chitalpa Tree info

Vitex Tree


Vitex trees provide a bit of shade and have a fantastic bloom period. Flowers appear as spikes of purple across the entire tree, and are known to attract butterflies.
Vitex info

Bottlebrush Tree


Bottlebrush trees are known for their trademark bloom that holds the shape of their namesake. They're also a fantastic and reliable evergreen.
Bottlebrush info.

Desert Willow


Chilopsis linearis
Desert Willows have been a classic for decades across the Southwest. They show incredible blooms throughout the late summer and into mid-fall.
Desert Willow details

Other species available

Aside from our usual selection, we often have unique and hard to find species of colorful and flowering trees that no one else in town carries. Due to high demand, some species may have limited availability, so please contact your nearest location for our current inventory. 
  • Camphor Tree
  • Magnolia DD Blanchard
  • Red Maple
  • Thevitia
  • Hong Kong Orchid
  • Photinia Tree
  • Magnolia Little Gem
  • Japanese Maple
  • Huge Gold Bamboo
  • Nellie Stevens Holly

Browse Plants

Narrowed By:Type: Trees+ Foliage: Colorful
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 listings  Sort By:  Sort
Acer palmatum 'Wolff'Acer palmatum 'Wolff'
(Emperor I® Japanese maple)
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Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
I’ll never forget when, in the mid-1990s, I called up a renowned nurseryman in Pennsylvania with questions about a holly, and he shifted the conversation to a new Japanese maple he had bred. “Emperor I®—better than ‘Bloodgood’,” he said. But we have all heard comments like that before. Plant breeders tend to borrow glory from classic plants by claiming their new version is better, but my skepticism about Emperor I® was quashed a year later when I acquired my first small tree. It’s a fast grower—unlike ‘Bloodgood’, which can take years to become a sizable tree. Also, unlike ‘Bloodgood’, Emperor I® holds its spectacular burgundy color all summer in full sun, and when fall rolls in, it evolves to a brilliant fiery red.
Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum'Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum'
(Golden Full Moon Maple)
(2 user reviews)
Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
If your shade garden needs a focal point, consider this small, rounded Japanese maple, with its lime-to-chartreuse-tinged golden leaves. In fall, its leaves turn orange and red, just like those of a sugar maple. This variety, like other small Japanese maples, needs shade and protection from sun and drying winds to keep the foliage from curling and turning brown at the edges. -Michael Ruggiero, Regional Picks: Mid-Atlantic, Fine Gardening issue #127
Broussonetia papyrifera 'Golden Shadow'Broussonetia papyrifera 'Golden Shadow'
(Golden paper mulberry)
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Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
This golden-leaved version of the southern paper mulberry can be treated as a cutback shrub to control size and for best production of brilliant golden yellow, large, lobed leaves. Or it can be allowed to grow into a small- to medium-sized tree. It's a most desirable garden plant and looks fabulous with deep blue salvias.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum f. pendulumCercidiphyllum japonicum f. pendulum
(Weeping katsura)
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Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
This deciduous small tree initially has a pyramidal form, and later rounded. Cercis-like, opposite, heart-shaped blue-green leaves are borne on stiff, slender, pendulous branches that fan out from the crown and sweep the ground. Caramel-scented foliage emerges bronze or purple-red, turns blue-green, then fades to gold or apricot in autumn. Tiny red flowers emerge in late March or early April before the leaves.
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'
(Eastern redbud)
(2 user reviews)
Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
In early spring, 'Forest Pansy' awakens with a long-lasting profusion of bright purplish-pink blooms borne in clusters, before the leaves, along smooth gray branches. Its heart-shaped, blood-red leaves are finely veined and glossy when young, slowly turning a dark, purple-tinged green in full sun. Autumn foliage is a bouquet of reds, purples, oranges, and yellows. The plant's graceful branching structure stands out in winter.
Cercis canadensis and cvs.Cercis canadensis and cvs.
(Eastern redbud)
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Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
Bright purplish-pink blooms are borne in clusters, before the leaves, along smooth gray branches. Heart-shaped leaves emerge bronze, turning green, then yellow in autumn. Cultivars are available with white ('Royal White') or pink flowers ('Tennessee Pink'), purple foliage ('Forest Pansy'), and weeping form ('Covey'). Grows 15 to 25 feet tall with a slightly wider spread.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Aurea'Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Aurea'
(Hinoki cypress)
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Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
Hinoki cypress is a conical, evergreen, coniferous tree with leaves that are actually minute scales on tiny branches in the form of fans. The outer foliage of 'Aurea' is golden and the inner is green. Growth can be slow. Use as a specimen or use several as screening.
Cordyline australis 'Purple Tower'Cordyline australis 'Purple Tower'
(Giant dracaena, New Zealand cabbage palm)
(1 user review)
Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
'Purple Tower' is a cultivar of the New Zealand native cabbage tree, frequently grown in greenhouses, as houseplants, or as large accent plants outdoors. It is hardy to Zone 10. The narrow, plum-purple leaves reach 3 feet long. The fragrant white flowers are small, but they are borne in large panicles in spring and early summer on mature plants. Plants grown in containers only rarely flower, however. Young plants are often sold as houseplants. Mature specimens have thick trunks with foliage at the top, resembling a palm tree. They are striking container specimens and can be plugged into a summer border. The species has naturalized in portions of California and the southern U.S.
Cotinus 'Grace'Cotinus 'Grace'
('Grace' smoke tree)
(1 user review)
Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
This cross of the European smoke bush (C. coggygria) and the American smoke tree (C. obovatus) is a gem in the garden thanks to its multiseason interest. Its iridescent spring foliage is green overlaid with red; then its large pink clouds of blooms in summer are followed by brilliant autumn foliage that ranges from red to orange. 'Grace' combines well with just about anything; asters, ornamental grasses, and Japanese maples are good places to start.
Fagus sylvatica 'Purple Fountain'Fagus sylvatica 'Purple Fountain'
(Purple fountain beech, European beech)
(1 user review)
Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
'Purple Fountain' is a deciduous, columnar, dark-leaved tree with bronze-purple, wavy margined leaves and cascading branches. Leaves become more green as summer wears on. It can be used as a specimen tree or for pleaching. It is similar to the purple weeping beech but is much more columnar. Fall color is yellow, then orange-brown.
no image availablePicea pungens ‘Procumbens’
(Colorado blue spruce)
(1 user review)
Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
'Procumbens' is similar to 'Pendula' in color but prostrate in habit, with cascading branches sometimes staying stiffly horizontal. Makes a spreading, undulating, mounding ground cover of silvery white needles.
Prunus virginiana 'Schubert'Prunus virginiana 'Schubert'
('Schubert' choke cherry)
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Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
'Schubert' choke cherry, with its vivid foliage and pyramidal form, makes a fine focal point. Ephemeral, light pink flowers are followed by abundant, dark red-purple fruit that birds love. (Don't plant it near patios or walks, as they'll quickly be covered by bird droppings.) If the tree you buy isn't grafted onto nonsuckering rootstock; otherwise, suckers could become problematic as the years go by. -Ron Smith, Regional Picks: Upper Plains, Fine Gardening issue #120
Rhus typhina 'Tigereye Bailtiger'Rhus typhina 'Tigereye Bailtiger'
(Tiger eyes sumac, Staghorn sumac, Velvet sumac)
(2 user reviews)
Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
Lemon-lime foliage, fuzzy stems, and intense fall color make this sumac cultivar a standout. It grows into an upright, rounded form about 6 feet tall and as wide. New growth emerges chartreuse. Fall brings leaves of yellow, scarlet, and orange. Flowers are yellowish green and followed, on female plants, by hairy, dark red fruit. This plant spreads by suckers and can be invasive. The species is native to North America.
Robinia pseudoacacia 'Frisia'Robinia pseudoacacia 'Frisia'
(Golden locust)
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Hardiness Zones:1234567891011
This large, fast-growing tree has droopy leaves that stay sunny yellow from spring until frost, spiny shoots, and fragrant white flowers in late spring and early summer on pendent racemes. The flowers are followed by smooth brown seed pods that are also interesting. 'Frisia' is one of the cultivars that is grown more for foliage than for its flowers and it does not flower as freely as the species.
  • Carrotwood Tree
  • Red Bud Tree
  • Magnolia Grandiflora
  • Monk's Pepper
  • Many More!


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