
Showing posts from September, 2010

Was A Fourth Military Coup Averted In Pakistan?

  The paranoid elected government of President Asif Zardari has been out battling shadows and ghosts, whipping up anti-military sentiment when the military never planned a coup of any sort against him. His problems are with the Supreme Court on legal grounds. To calm frayed nerves, it appears Gen. Kayani agreed to let Zardari and Gilani issue a statement on the three's commitment to 'defending' democracy. Pakistani military could also be bound by 'sovereign guarantees' given as back as 2007 stating that Pakistani military won't destabilize a government created through the US-sponsored NRO deal.     By  AHMED QURAISHI Tuesday, 28 September 2010.         ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Hardly. Better still, there wasn't a coup to start with.     Monday's well-timed meeting between the so-called 'troika' – the President, Prime Minister, and the Army chief – is being widely interpreted as having averted a possible collapse of the elected Za...