
Showing posts from May, 2012

An interview with Omer Goldman

Father, forgive me, I will not fight for your Israel “I went to this village in the West Bank, and the Israeli army just put a check-point in the middle of the village for no reason just to make it difficult for the people to cross and we wanted to take it off. So they start shooting at us like crazy. And I didn’t understand, like, is the army that I’ve been told all of my life is protecting me, now shooting at me? My whole idea of what they are just vanished.” “I knew I had to go with my heart because I’m gonna live with myself. You know I didn’t wanna regret for the rest of my life being a part of a system that is so wrong, is so illegal, and doing awful things.” (what would you say to your father) “Each of us is fighting for our beliefs; I chose the non-violent way, you chose the violent way- It’s very hard for me to answer that. I wish we can get better but I’m not sure it will happen.” Omer Goldman Granot, from the Tel-Aviv suburb of Ramat HaSharon, is a member of th...

Death Will Overtake You Even in a Strong Fortress

Death Will Overtake You Even in a Strong Fortress Quran 4: 78 "Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!" Quran 4:78 All of us, regardless of race, color, religion or nationality, want to know the answer to this question: "What will happen to me when I die?" The Holy Quran is the actual speech of God Almighty to the Last of the Prophets (Muhammad, peace be upon him). As such it provides us with the real insight of life and death from the very One who did create all of us in the first place. The following commentary concerns a verse in the fourth chapter of the Quran, entitled "The Women", verse number 78. We begin with hadeeth (preserved sayings from the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) It is reported from A Bara bin Azib who said: "We went out with the Prophet in order to participate in the funeral rites of a man from the Ansar. We arrived at the grave, but the inner ...