Google Glass Wannahaves, Your Moment Is Almost Here
Are you anxiously wondering if you've successfully talked your way into early access to Google Glass, the company's wearable augmented reality technology? You can just about stop holding your breath. Almost. "Over the next few days," Google wrote in a post on the Project Glass Google+ page , "we’ll be sending out invitations to our Explorer Program through Google+ and Twitter. So, keep a lookout for tweets and G+ posts from @projectglass and +Project Glass to see if you’ve been invited." Some background, if you've been living under a rock: A few weeks back Google sent out an open call for applications to its Explorer Program , inviting anyone to explain what they'd do with a Google Glass unit by using the hashtag #ifihadglass on Google+ or Twitter. The Explorer Program was a chance to get your hands on the earliest version of the wearable tech unit, the very same one that many preordered at last year's Google I/O conference for $...