Edit the Windows Hosts File to Block or Redirect Websites
The Windows Hosts file is a file that Windows uses to control and map IP addresses. By editing the Hosts file, Windows can be customized to block or redirect specific websites and even protocols that are used by programs and applications. To get started editing the Windows Hosts file, you first need to locate it. Open Windows Explorer and click on This PC or My Computer . Double-click on C:\, then the Windows folder and scroll down the page until you reach the System32 folder. Inside of that folder, open drivers and then open etc . You’ll now see several files, one of which is hosts . Now, notice that the file type for the hosts file is listed as File . Because there is no default program set to open a file type like this, double clicking the hosts file will simply give you a Windows prompt, asking you which program you would like to use to open the file. From this prompt, you ca...