More proof of Indian fingerprints on terror attacks in Pakistan

PKKH Exclusive

ISLAMABAD: Suspected Taliban militants shot and killed Militants shot and killed Brigadier Moin-ud-din Ahmed, deputy force commander of the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS), who was on vacation in Islamabad, on Thursday.

UNMIS, one of the world's largest UN peacekeeping missions with around 11,000 personnel, was set up to monitor and support the 2005 peace deal than ended the two-decade civil war between Sudan's north and south.

There is no doubt that there are a lot of suspicious activities taking place in Sudan by using the humanitarian and UN agencies in particular. An alliance led by US, UK, Israel, India are allied with Southern Sudan's SPLM (Sudan People Liberation Movement) and Pakistan, China, Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries (excluding Libya, and partially Egypt) support the Government of Sudan, i.e. the Northern government.

Pakistan is strongly represented in North Sudan while India is investing heavily in Southern Sudan, primarily through traders and in the hospitality industry, plus technical experts (working with air contidition etc) employing both Muslims and Hindus in the South.

Pakistani presence in the South is very limited but this is compensated with Pakistan's influence in the North and the Head of UN  Special Mission to Sudan is Ashraf Jehangir Qazi, (former Pakistani Ambassador to the US) hence all information from the South is sent to the North. Pakistanis are represented more in the UNMIS headquarter level in Khartoum who receives all information from the South too.

Indians are increasing their presence in the UN in Southern Sudan (UNJLC, UNOCHA, UNICEF) though less in the UNMIS (where India also has a contingent) where Brigadier Moinuddin was the Deputy Force Commander. UNMIS is in general much more up do date concerning the status quo throughout Sudan than the other agencies, although the WFP has good insight in throughout the ten states of South.

The UNMIS Force Commander is a Nepalese (Maj.Gen. Paban Jung Thapa) educated by the Indian Army and that the less influential UNMIS Police Commisioner is an Indian (Rajesh Dewan). [LINK]

Deputies (Brig. Moin) usually has the operational responsibility while the Commander (Thapa) have the representational responsibilities. Whoever knocked Brig. Moin off, knew he was going to be in Pakistan at that time, Moin's leave request has to be approved by Major General Thapa.

In our understanding, despite of the heavy Indian investment the Pakistanis still had an edge on the information collection which is envied by India. What a conincidence that Brigadier Moinuddin was assassinated while on leave from his Sudan duty.


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