
Holy Prophet (PBUH) in dream asked Mr. Jinnah to lead Muslims.
May Allah Subhan Taalah increase your ranks in Jannah. Ameen
Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani quoted the Quaid-i-Azam as saying:

“One evening, I was strolling in the lawn of my house in London when I smelt a unique fragrance. First I thought it was temporary phenomenon but the fragrance continued to prevail in the air. I could not understa
nd as to what was the source of that fragrance. I decided to go to sleep. I could not sleep for quite some time. During sleep I saw a holy personality in my dream. The holy personality addressed me: ‘I am Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). I order you to go to India and lead the Muslims to their destiny. After the dream I awoke and started preparation for my return journey to India’.


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