
Showing posts from February, 2014

Everything DWG

DWG Converter DWG DXF Converter DWG2Image DWF to DWG Importer DWG to DWF Converter DWG to PDF Converter DWG to Flash PDF to DWG Converter DGN DWG Converter Conversion Server Raster to Vector DWG Applications DWG Viewer DWG Compare Attribute Extractor AutoDWG eTransmit DWG Encryption PDF Tools DWG to PDF Converter PDF to DWG Converter PDF to Word Converter ActiveX for developers DWG2DXF-X DWG2ImageX DWG2DWF-X DWGViewX DWG2PDF-X DWGSee 2013--DWG Viewer A lite and fast dwg viewer, browse, view, measure, print DWG, DXF, DWF files. Supports AutoCAD drawing format from R2.5 to the latest version 2013. DWGSee DWG Viewer Pro version supports DWG to Image(jpg, tiff, gif ), dwg to pdf conversion, it also supports advanced markup, let you publish markup in PDF or Image format. Supports AutoCAD 2013 Now! Download  |  Buy Now Features Support view and browse mode; Print DWG; Batch plot dwg; DWG to JPG, DWG to TIFf,...

Lost City found Underwater in China

Qiandao Lake is a man-made lake located in Chun’an County,   China , where archeologists have discovered in 2001 ruins of an underwater city. The city is at a depth of 26-40 meters and was named “Lion City”. There would have been 290 000 people living in this city during more than 1300 years. Touristic expeditions are projected. A diving into Chinese Antiquity in the next part of the article.

Stained Glass Patterns and Information

FREE STAINED GLASS PATTERNS For the stained glass enthusiast! I am always looking for free pattern sites and when I find a good one, I post it here. Useful for me and useful for you. Browse through these free pattern resources. EJDepot - My Store Front for Fun Things Online Store Front  My Favorites Stained Glass Art by Vit-Mar  - free patterns of unusual things including Harry Potter and a nice horse. Aanraku Stained Glass - patterns in pdf. format - patriotic and a nice praying mantis. Acadian Glass Art - Nice windows and transoms, deco stylel. Also a nice glass  resource list . Alpine Stained Glass - 7 pages of nice original stained glass designs, including mom's row boat. Lots of holiday themed patterns. ART:ERY - Stained glass pattern co-op. Art Glass Art- Stained glass graphics, tutorials, supplies and free stained glass patterns (listed in aqua titles along with those for purchase. Lots of nice lamps! Nice  sailboat panel . Glass Quarterly -...

Micro FPV Quad

I would advise using a prop with 2 blades rather than 3 as it would be more efficient due to airflow. Also what transmitter are you using? aalejo its too heavy and the source will be 500mah jesus make it 5000 or 10000 9volts to make it up in the air longer and more trust and make trust me will do the work naja452 I don't think you have ever built or flown a multirotor, This thing probably weighs half as much as a 5Ah battery, he might be able to double the battery but thats it. .5Ah will work fine. aalejo   i make one but i use a motor a dvd rom i try it with some microcontroller and some for bluetooth mech is been working and pretty enough to much power its to much trust and its much better ke4cpc A lot of Acronyms, please provide a glossary or a link, if possible. I'd like to try and make something like this with my two 11 year olds. I_build_cool_stuff ESC = electric speed controller...