3 steps to block Facebook game requests
Facebook game requests – they’re annoying. One minute, you think you’ve blocked them. The next day, there are more Facebook game requests coming in from friends. Today, we’re going to show you how to block Facebook game requests in 3 simple steps – forever.
Why block Facebook game requests?
As we mentioned, game requests are flat-out annoying. Not to mention, they can consume a lot of your time. For example, if you have Facebook installed on your mobile device (who doesn’t), whenever you receive a Facebook game request, your phone buzzes.
This can lead to a loss of productivity because you stop what you’re doing to check your notifications, only to find out that it’s just a game request and not an important message.
Instead of letting Facebook game requests rule your life, be proactive and block Facebook game requests.

To block Facebook game requests, follow the instructions outlined below.
How to block Facebook game requests
1. Login to Facebook and visit the requests page in the App Center
2. Find an app you want to block Facebook game requests for and click the “X.”
This will decline any requests to play this Facebook game.
Note: this will bring up the following menu with additional option. Here, you can block a specific game and even ignore all requests from a friend.
3. In the yellow box, click “ignore all requests from” and you’ll never receive another invite from that friend again
Alternatively, you can access the Facebook Application games request menu from your Facebook news feed by clicking on Apps > App Center and then Requests within the Facebook App Center.

Common questions about blocking Facebook game requests
Can I block all game requests at one time?
No. Unfortunately, there is not a way to block all Facebook game requests at one time. Fortunately, the process to block Facebook game requests is pretty quick.
Does blocking Facebook game requests also block them on mobile?
Yes. When you block game requests on the desktop version of Facebook, this also blocks any Facebook game requests on mobile devices.
Is a user notified when I ignore all requests from them?
No. Users are not notified when you ignore all requests from them.
I still have questions on blocking on Facebook, where can I get my questions answered?
If you have additional questions on Facebook, don’t hesitate to contact me to get help.