Drinking These Before Going to Bed Will Help Burn Belly Fat
Today Bright Side has put together a list of the very best homemade drinks recipes that will help you get healthier and slimmer and make you full of energy. These are basic recipes, and you can adapt them to your taste: add less sugar, use more healthy ingredients, use water instead of soda. They’ll still be incredibly delicious! Cucumber fat loss drink © Depositphotos Ingredients: 1 cucumber a bunch of parsley or cilantro 1 lemon 1 tbsp grated ginger 1 tbsp aloe vera juice 1/2 glass water How to make it: Juice the listed ingredients and consume the drink before going to bed. You can continue it for a month and then take a break of one week. If you need, you can start the cycle again. Fresh cucumber and lime drink © Yulia Grigoryeva Ingredients 1 lime 2...