Top 10 Intelligence Agencies of 2013
I ntelligence agencies play an imperative role in the smooth governance of a country. They are mandatory for a country, liable to cumulate, examine and desecrate data and intelligence. This data is in turn helpful in reinforcement of law, national security, defense systems and foreign policy targets. Methods of data collection may vary and include both the covert and overt techniques. Some of these techniques namely include under-cover operations, cryptanalysis, breakthroughs in communication and formation of an alliance with another organization. Also appraisal of available public resources may prove to be beneficial. The organization and proliferation of the collected information is known as intelligence analysis or assessment. Intelligence agencies emblem a country’s defense mechanism, strengthen it and make it dynamic The top ten best intelligence agencies of 2013 have been enlisted in this article starting with number 10 10. Mossad, Israel Formed in ...