Is Your Resume Not Getting Interview Call? Fix Your Resume Mistakes

I have been providing resume analyzing and resume creating facility to my customer for a while. I receive hundreds of resume daily for analyzing and believe me most of them are poor. Yeah I know I am sounding harsh and rude but it is fact. Actually the problem is, most of people think resume writing as easy as writing an extempore essay in exams while creating a resume is rather a difficult task and needs some creative, writing and analyzing skills.

The problem is people think of hiring professional resume writer as a waste of money and time. They do not know, paying to professional resume writer is investing in your career because resume is first step of successful career
Providing career guidance is my job and if some people are not convinced of hiring professional resume writer then I come up with some common mistakes of resume which I commonly find  in resume and most of people are not aware of these mistakes.

Describing Experience As Job Description

This is the most common mistake which i find in resume. Job seekers copied down their job description which are provided to them by their employer.
Employers are not interested in what you are responsible for your current job. They are in market and they have clear idea about each job and its responsibility. They rather want to know about what have you LEARNT from previous job responsibility and how can you be beneficial for you by having those responsibility.

Writing CV Or Resume On Top Of The Page

You are submitting your resume and one who is taking your resume knows that what he is taking then what is a point of writing Resume Or CV on the top of the page. It looks ugly and takes precious space on paper.

Poor Formatting

Sure MS Word provides you long rage of fonts, bullets, colors etc but not every decoration is for your resume. A best resume is one which has clean and same font with same font size. You may increase font size for heading or writing your name but please do not write each section of your resume with different font, and with different bullets. The inclination should also be same throughout  in your resume.

Unnecessary Information

What is your passport number? what is your blood group? or what can you cook is unnecessary unless you have some strong reason of including them like applying abroad or applying for chef job. It is old concept that your resume should be lengthy. Now, the thinking of recruiters and hiring managers is entirely changed. They seek quality not quantity.

If you want to add some common resume mistake then comment box is open for everyone. I would love to hear from you.


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