Sinus infection symptoms and Home Remedies to Cure

This post is about Sinus infection symptoms, causes and home remedies to cure. Para nasal sinuses or sinuses in short are 4 pairs of mucus-lined hollow spaces inside bones of faces and skull, they are:
  • Frontal Sinus                                                                                         Sinus infection symptom Sinus infection symptoms and Home Remedies to Cure
  • Ethmoidal Sinus
  • Sphenoidal Sinus
  • Maxillary  Sinus
Exact function of sinuses is unknown; but it is believed that sinuses filter the inhaled air, regulatepressure within the nose, contribute to immune defense ,lighten the weight of skull, give resonance to voice ,absorb shock when blows to face and participate in facial growth.
Sinuses produce 0.5L to 1L mucus each day, which is emptied into nasal cavity; sinus contributes greatly to air filtration. Tiny cilia push mucus into nasal cavitythrough openings called Ostia.

What Cause  Sinusitis:

Sinusitis could be caused by anything that block and give blockage to airflow into the sinuses, mucus flow out of sinuses can be caused by:
  • Infection
  • Allergy
  • Irritants
  • Anatomical Obstruction
  • Foreign Bodies
  • Diseases
  • Dryness
  • Certain  Medication

Sinusitis Infections Symptoms:

Sinusitis is often followed by respiratory tract infections (RTI) causes by viruses (such as common cold and flu). Viral Infections does not directly cause symptoms, but it does inflame the Sinuses. In response to infection, our immune system sends WBC (White Blood Cells) or pus cells or mucus to the lining of nose, causing nasal passage to swell.
Since, the lining of nasal passages is continuous, sinus cavities also start swelling and causing to close ostia. As a result, mucus becomes trapped behind the sinuses and air flow slows or stops. Moist and inactive mucus allows fungus and bacteria to grow which results to infection.Regular mucus clearance keeps sinus hollow  and sterile(free from bacteria).
Effective emptying depends on:
  • Healthy Cilia
  • Thin fluid mucus
  • Passable Ostia
Any change in these factors could hinder mucus clearance and lead to sinus inflammation infection. Health of sinuses depends on ventilation and mucusclearance. This inflammation ranges from mild to severe and it could be uncomfortable. Some common Sinus infection symptoms are:
  • Tenderness in the face
  • Aching behind the eyes
  • Pain, Fever
  • Difficulty in breathing through nose
  • Headache

Irritants That Cause Sinus Infection:

Many irritants cause sinus to swell and sometimes paralyze cilia, Irritants include:
  • Air Pollution
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Car Exhaust
  • Gasoline Fumes
  • Paint Fumes
  • Perfume
  • Household Chemicals
  • Pesticides


Dryness impairs cilia and mucus flow, treated through Antihistamines. A prolonged therapy of antibiotics needed to cure the Sinusitis but it involves threat of side effects.
Two main forms of treatment usually prescribed are:
  • Nasal  Steroid Sprays And
  • Long Usage Of Oral Antibiotics( Alone or in the Combination)
Finding sinus infections home remedy that really works is not difficult. There are many home remedy for sinus infection, which actually helps to cure sinusinfections and reduces the painful symptoms associated to Chronic and acute sinusinfections.
Since antibiotics are not effective against fungal sinus infection or any type of fungus, people are seeking sinus remedy instead of having more prescription medication.  Try to cure by using home remedies and you may able to eradicate the symptoms permanently.

Home remedies for Sinus Infection:

       1.    Apple Cider Vinegar:

A popular treatment to eradicate sinus infection naturally is the Cider Vinegar remedy, which offers to stop sinus infection immediately.Study shows that solutions containing potassium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and salt are much better for restoring nasal/sinus cilia.
Potassium contained in apple cider vinegar is confirmed to be very effective to increase nerve activity, muscles contraction, maintaining body fluid & Electrolytes.Apple Cider Vinegar works well as a sinus infection remedy because their ability to thin out mucus and eliminate colds and stuffy nose is well proven.
  • Mix apple cider vinegar in hot water and wash out the inner and outer part of nasal area.

      2.    Therapies:Sinus infection symptoms 300x217 Sinus infection symptoms and Home Remedies to Cure

  • Another effective home remedy for sinus infection is steam inhalation plus aromatherapy to help the inflammation by mixing the oils of Pine tree, Eucalyptus and tea tree  in hot water. Research has just found out a highly concentrated extract from Eucalyptus leaf called Cineole is a powerful antiseptic and probably the most effective remedy of Sinusitis.
  • Take hot towel treatment.
Above remedies are an alternative to medications and has no side effects.


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