National Parks of Ivory Coast (Cote d Ivoire)

The animalist Park of Abokouamékro

Located at 60 km of Yamoussoukro, the National park of Abokonamékro extends on a surface from 21.000 ha . One can discover Elephants, Buffaloes there, of Cobs de Buffons, Rhinoceroses, Giraffes. Its lodging house in construction and its easy access, by road (the motorway of North) or by air (flights Charter or Air Ivory), are unquestionable assets to do of them one of the principal attractions of the area of the center.

The National park of Asagny

Located at 100 km of Abidjan to the mouth of Bandama, the national park of Asagny extends on 19.400 ha . Surrounded by water with 60%, the flora is there primarily made up of marshy savanna with palm trees. Elephants, of Potamochères, Buffaloes, Monkeys (Islands with the Chimpanzees), several species of birds, live there in perfect harmony. The navigable Channel of Asagny, allows the walks in boat and is equipped with Watchtowers, offering a unspoilable view on surrounding nature. Easy access by the road ( the Coastal one ), or by air (airport of Kossou), of many possibilities is offered to the tourists for their lodging, to the camping hotel, not far from the park, or to Large-Lahou.

The National park of the Bank value

In full heart of Abidjan, in edge of the motorway of North, the national park of the Bank value is a primary example of forest (Arboretum), with wood species become rare (mahogany tree, avodirés…). With the Bank value, many birds and monkeys live. Tracks for walkers were arranged there. From its proximity with the city, of many hotels of all the categories allow an easy lodging.

The National park of Comoé

Founded in 1968 under the name of "Reserve of Bouna", the national park of Comoé located at Bouna is of not to be doubted oldest and the most important park of Ivory Coast, from its surface 1.150.000 ha , with 500 km of tracks suitable for motor vehicles, and of the fact also of the importance and the variety of its fauna: Elephants, Buffaloes, Cobs de Buffons, Lions, Hippopotamuses, Cynocephali, several birds… Many and charming hotels were built in the villages surrounding the Park: in Kaffalo, Wangofitini, Kapkin, Ganser… The access to the park is facilitated by the construction of a track of attérissage near the park. The road is bituminized until Bondoukou, to 180 km of Bouna.

The marine Park on the Ehotilés Islands

Located close to Adiaké, on the Aby lagoon, in the East of Abidjan, the Ehotilés islands are composed in fact of six islands: Monobahas, Niamoan, Bitouaté, Élouamé, Gremon and Bossou Aswan. In 1974 east creates on these islands, a marine park which has the role first to allow the historians and archaeologists of the whole world to carry out scientific research, in all peace. Of an total surface area of 500 ha , fauna is especially watery. One reaches it by terrestrial way (Adiaké) and the Ebrié lagoon.

The national park of Marahoué

Of a surface of 101.000 ha , and located in the area of bouaflé, to the North of the asphalt road (coming from Yamoussokro and energy with Daloa), the park of Marahoué offers to its visitors an environment of quality and arranged perfectly to accomodate them; the park lays out, indeed of a reception centre and of lodging, several watchtowers, marres with the crocodiles, the Buffaloes, the hippopotamuses, etc Ici, animals of forest and savannas cohabit harmoniously: Elephants, Bongos, Buffaloes, Cynocephali, etc…

The park of the Mount Pekoe

Famous for its vegetation (flora of mountain and primary forest) and located a few kilometres from Duékoué, this park draws its name from the Mount Pekoe, which has an altitude higher than 1000 Mr. Of a surface of more than 34.000 ha , the park of the Mount Pekoe has a fauna important and varied, composed amongst other things of Elephants, Panthers, Buffaloes, of Céphalophes, Monkeys, etc Several hotels with Duékoué and the bituminized road Abidjan-Duékoué, or by the airs in direction of Man, the tourists an easy access and a lodging of quality allow.

The national park of the Sangbe Mount

Located at the North of Man and the West of the Sassandra river, with horse between Biankouman and Touba, the National park of the Sangbé Mount, with its 95.000 ha of surface, is the tourist prolongation of Man and its area. Being entirely localised in mountainous area (14 tops of more than 1.000 m in the mounts will toura), this park is particularly giboyeux and cover of a very dense flora. Elephants, Buffaloes, Antelopes and monkeys, constitute in great parts the essence of its fauna. The national park of the Sangbé Mount is accessible by terrestrial way, (road bitupmée until Biankouma and Touba), and by plane in direction of Man (air Ivoire).

The National park of Tai

The National park of Taï ( 350.000 ha ) car its name of the town of Taï, located along the western border, in the south of Guiglo and a hundred km in the North of Taboo. Classified as "World heritage" in program MAB of the United Nations, it contains many forest gasolines of quality and is a place of scientific research and medicinal famous. Populated several species of animals, dwarf Hippopotamuses, Céphalophes streaked, Jentink, Bogon, Elephants, etc, the national park of Taï is in full installation. II exists a great facility of lodging, in Taï even, but also in Guiglo and Soubré. The road is bituminized until Guiglo and Soubré, and it is possible to go there by air until San Pedro.


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