Altaf Hussain...

Godfather of Karachi, resident of Edgware

Yesterday I called upon the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police to arrest a British citizen for incitement to murder. It is an open and shut case. You can watch his lips move on television, broadcast from London, in the wake of the controversial election count in the giant port city of Karachi, Pakistan. Hussain openly threatened the young democracy protesters agitating for a re-run of the election there that he would have them cut them down with swords.
No-one should think this mere rhetoric, Hussain is already convicted in Pakistan for multiple murder extortion organised crime and terrorist offences. That’s why he lives in Edgware. In fact he is chief suspect in over 100 murder cases, including in England in the murder of one of his own leading comrades.
Five years ago I gave a speech in Parliament asking why the then New Labour government was not only tolerating the presence in this country of a mafia style chief making regular broadcasts from London ordering crimes to be committed in a friendly country, but had actually given the Don a British passport!

The previous, Conservative, government had, I believed, refused citizenship to Altaf Hussain. New Labour as just one of many crimes against the people of the Muslim world thought differently and conveyed upon a convicted murderer all the rights of citizen upon him.
This at a time when a secret treaty with the United States had been signed by New Labour allowing the extradition of British citizens to the US merely on the say-so of American prosecutorial authorities without a scintilla of evidence that they had been involved in terrorism of any kind.
So much for the war on terror, I said.
The reply to my speech, from the now disgraced former Blair War leader Geoff Hoon is worth watching as a study in smug smirking malevolent arrogance, such a hallmark of the Tony Blair/New labour era.
If you can’t bear to watch let me tell you that answer came there none to my salient question; why was Altaf Hussain being allowed to mastermind terrorist operations in Pakistan from London in full view of the authorities? And why was he awarded British citizenship?
There the story would have lain – like the ten dead bodies a day in Karachi for which Altaf Hussain is responsible – stone dead.
Until this week, when in a broadcast extraordinary even by his standards he openly threatened death, disfigurement, murder, mayhem and secession in Pakistan. From his well-stuffed sofa in the capital city of the United Kingdom, chief adjutant state in the War on Terror.
I have tabled questions, which must be answered tomorrow, to the British Prime Minister David Cameron and the Home Secretary Theresa May, on this latest crime. Many millions of people in Britain, in Pakistan and around the world are waiting for the answers. Watch this space.

Words by George Galloway MP
House of Commons
Design by Gayatri


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