Colorful & Flowering Trees
What's your favorite color? These trees will quickly bring a new look to your landscape. Whether you're looking for seasonal flair or a tree that really stands out, Big Tex has a HUGE selection of Colorful and Blooming trees.
Orchid Tree
Bauhinia variegata
One of the most colorful and beautiful trees we carry, plain and simple. We carry both the Bauhinia and Hong Kong varieties. Orchid Tree info |
Museum Palo Verde
Cercidium-parkinsonia hybrid
Very fast growing hybrid version of the classic Palo Verde. Provides the unique green trunks of the original only it grows faster, cleaner, thornless, and blooms longer. Museum Palo Verde info |
Crape Myrtle
Lagerstroemia indica
This extremely colorful small tree makes a perfect choice for color lovers! Very long bloom period starts mid summer and lasts thru mid fall. One of the very few trees that provides summer color. Crape Myrtle info |
Chitalpa Tree
Chiltalpa tashkinensis
This is a great choice for those desiring a tree with a softer, greener appearance. Beautiful pink blooms are present from summer through fall. Chitalpa Tree info |
Desert Willow
Chilopsis linearis
Desert Willows have been a classic for decades across the Southwest. They show incredible blooms throughout the late summer and into mid-fall. Desert Willow details |
Other species available
Aside from our usual selection, we often have unique and hard to find species of colorful and flowering trees that no one else in town carries. Due to high demand, some species may have limited availability, so please contact your nearest location for our current inventory.
Browse Plants
Narrowed By:Type: Trees+ Foliage: Colorful
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 listings Sort By: (Emperor I® Japanese maple)
(Golden Full Moon Maple)
(Golden paper mulberry)
(Weeping katsura)
(Eastern redbud)
(Eastern redbud)
(Hinoki cypress)
(Giant dracaena, New Zealand cabbage palm)
('Grace' smoke tree)
(Purple fountain beech, European beech)
(Colorado blue spruce)
('Schubert' choke cherry)
(Tiger eyes sumac, Staghorn sumac, Velvet sumac)
(Golden locust)