Top 10 Annual Plants

Top 10 Annual Plants

True annual plants are like some rock stars — their life is colorful, eventful, and very short. Every year, they have to grow from seed, flower quickly, and scatter their seeds in order to reproduce before dying in the autumn. In these busy times, they are less and less popular — no one has time to grow plants from seed every year. However, annuals are well worth knowing and maintaining. Despite being ephemeral, short-lived, and quite demanding, they are also immensely beautiful. They tend to flower earlier, and the flowers are often very showy and beautiful. You do not need to worry about protecting them against winter temperatures. You are not stuck with your choice of species for years — every year you can have a completely new flower border. The annuals are an important part of a natural or cottage garden style. They are also grown in wildflower meadows. Remember that some of the perennial plants are grown as annuals in colder climates. Below you can find 10 species that should find their way into your garden or design.

10. French marigold (Tagetes patula)
French marigold
French marigold
An incredibly resistant small plant belonging to the family Asteraceae. It flowers happily throughout the summer and until the first frost, requiring very little maintenance. It is also very drought tolerant and is disliked by most pests, even deer. Pretty, long-lasting flowers make up for its unpleasant scent. It makes a good edging plant and attracts butterflies.
9. Night-scented Stock (Matthiola longipetala)
Night-scented Stock
Night-scented Stock
A rather inconspicous plant by daylight, it truly reveals its amazing qualities by night. Matthiola posseses simply one of the most beautiful scents among the ornamental plants. Plant it next to the places where you relax in the evenings, on balconies, and by windows. Grow it in any soil in full sun, and enjoy its fragrance on summer nights.
8. Love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena)
This lovely, delicate annual will bring the rare true blue color into your garden. It is little known that the puffy flowers may also be white, pink, or purple. The ferny leaves make the plant look light and ethereal. Nigella is easy to grow as long as it is planted in a sunny spot, in well-drained soil. It will often self-sow, which is usually desirable in natural gardens.
7. Garden nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
Garden nasturtium
Garden nasturtium
An edible and ornamental plant, suitable for growing in cottage gardens, herb gardens, and in containers. It can also be planted next to small fences, to allow nasturtium’s long, trailing stems to climb on it. The plant also looks great in hanging baskets. Its yellow, funnel-shaped flowers appear the whole summer into early autumn. Nasturtium makes a good companion plant; it repels many pests of plants belonging to Cucurbitaceae andBrassicaceae families.
6. Pot marigold (Calendula officinalis)
Pot marigold
Pot marigold
An aromatic, culinary plant, sometimes used in cooking, but also great as an ornamental annual. It can be planted in large groups as an easy ground cover, among other species on a flower border, or in an herb garden. Its yellow flowers will look their best surrounded by contrasting blue or purple blooms. Nowadays, you can choose from many available cultivars, including some with double flowers or variegated leaves.
5. Immortelle (Xeranthemum annuum)
A beautiful, delicate annual with ephemeral white or pink daisy-like flowers. Planted on a flower border, it adds delicacy and lightness. When dried, it makes beautiful bouquets. Plant it in well-drained, moderately fertile soil and shelter its fragile stems from the wind, and it will flower all summer.
4. Zinnia (Zinnia elegans)
A perfect source of autumn color in the garden. Warm reds, pinks, browns, and yellows of zinnia flowers will brighten every corner, as long as they get plenty of sun. Make sure you plant them in well-drained soil and deadhead them regularly to ensure a prolonged flowering period.
3. Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)
Sweet pea
Sweet pea
Delicate flowers, pastel colors, and beautiful scent make the sweet pea probably one of the most romantic plants of all time. This charming, old-fashioned vine is recognized as one of the model organisms in genetics. The lovers of the sweet pea should visit the annual show organized by the Eckford Sweet Pea Society of Wem, North Shropshire.
2. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
Featured in many pieces of art and loved by many, including the Incas who worshiped it as a symbol of the sun, the sunflower is a necessity in every cottage garden. It can frame it beautifully, growing along the fence, or add height to the flower border. Its distinctive, large, yellow flowers on long stems stand out among other, more delicate plants. Its tasty seeds are loved by children and birds, and are very healthy. Remember to plant them in the sunny spot in your garden!
1. Garden cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus)
Garden cosmos
Garden cosmos
Probably the most beautiful annual plant of them all, its delicate, pastel flowers resemble butterflies, and consequently they attract butterflies, birds, and bees to the garden. Cosmos is easy to grow, provided it gets enough water and plenty of sunlight. It looks great on the flower border, planted in large, multi-colored single-species groups or among other plants.
The choice of great annual plants is extensive and by no means limited to the above Top 10 list. The variety, versatility, and range of colors make them wonderful plants to design with. The choice of which of these wonderful species and cultivars to include in your garden or your design is entirely yours!
Article written by Marta Ratajszczak


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