11 Amazing Instagram Accounts That You Should be Following

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Instagram sometimes finds itself the victim of scrutinizing eyes among the realm of professional photographers and I suppose it’s not all unjust. But, the popular app also has its benefits and more and more photographers are finding creative ways to take advantage of the widespread audience it offers while others use it as a sort of documentation of their personal lives. Regardless of how you choose to use Instagram, it will always serve as a bottomless pit of inspiration, thanks to the likes of the following accounts listed here in no particular order.
Drumroll please…

Darryll Jones

Courtesy of Daryll Jones
Courtesy of Darryll Jones
I’ve mentioned before that I adore miniature photography (especially when there are storm troopers thrown into the mix) so you could only imagine my delight when I came across the work of Darryll Jones. His Instagram account chronicles the times and adventures of a fun loving storm trooper named Eric who leads a life that, well, almost makes me a little envious. Between catching some waves, mountain biking, and rocking out on his guitar, who wouldn’t be a bit jealous of Eric? So. Much. Fun.  And I wouldn’t be doing the collection justice if I didn’t mention the meticulous art direction, right down to the perfectly placed lighting, of each of the images.

Gabriel Flores

Some people have the natural ability to see things in ways that most of us miss. Browsing through Gabriel Flores’ Instagram feed, it quickly becomes apparent that he has been blessed with this gift. A mix of street, architectural, and portraiture Flores’ work offers something for all walks of life. 

Jarred Gastreich

Courtesy of Jarred Gastreich.
Photo courtesy of Jarred Gastreich.
“My instagram feed is filled of friends, bystanders and found still lifes. I capture the raw moments of life in the stranger, and with my friends, I create moments that might inspire dreams. Found still lifes jump out at me as if they are demanding me to make the humorous connection, or they’re telling me to capture the beauty or overlooked banality. My night thoughts are unremembered, or they don’t happen at all. I lack that sort of imagination. I’ll have fun when I get old and my mind starts to get flaky. I’ll open up my Instagram feed and imagine all the different ways the puzzle of my beautiful life could be arranged.” – Jarred Gastreich
Courtesy of Jarred Gastreich.
Courtesy of Jarred Gastreich.
I’ve been following the work of Gastreich, a St. Louis based photographer, for a little while now and the artist continues to awe me with every image he produces. Browsing through his portfolio (seriously, spend some time there) it’s clear he has a deep seeded and natural talent for composition, color, timing, texture, light, and just about everything else that makes a photographer stand out from the ever-growing pack. This is one documentary photographer you’re going to want to keep on your radar. I suspect he has an entire arsenal of outstanding photographs just waiting to be invented during his career.

Ida Frost

Photo courtesy of Ida Skivenes.
Photo courtesy of Ida Skivenes.
Photo courtesy of Ida Skivenes.
Photo courtesy of Ida Skivenes.
Food and photography are two of our favorite things. As you can see in the images above, Instagram user, IdaFrosk, caters to those two passions with her very creative approach to food photography. It’s quirky, artistic, rebellious–who says we can’t play with our food?–and delicious all rolled into a single frame. Simply brilliant if you ask me. Be sure to check out her online galleries, too, for more stunning shots.

Cory Richards

Photo courtesy of Cory Smith.
Photo courtesy of Cory Richards.
Photo courtesy of Cory Smith.
Photo courtesy of Cory Richards.
Photo courtesy of Cory Smith.
Photo courtesy of Cory Richards.
Photo courtesy of Cory Smith.
Photo courtesy of Cory Richards.
Cory Richards doesn’t really need much of an introduction. His expansive portfolio speaks for itself as it silently details the riveting adventures of one of Instagram’s favorite professional photographers. You may have seen his work while browsing through National Geographic or, perhaps, you follow his epic expeditions as a North Face athlete. One thing is for certain, we are incredibly grateful he takes the time to give us glimpse into his world via Instagram.

Kyle Yu

Kyle Yu has an eye for lines, for buildings, for the abstract. His Instagram images are ones of great attention to detail, which, seemingly, comes perfectly natural to the photographer. 

Theron Humphrey

Photo courtesy of Theron Humphrey.
Photo courtesy of Theron Humphrey.
Dare I say it, Theron Humphrey’s dog, Maddie, could be the most photogenic subject on all ofInstagram. When you combine Maddie with the unquestionably skilled photographer and art director that Humphrey himself is, you have yourself a winning recipe. If you’re not already followingThisWildIdea, head over there ASAP, you are missing out!

Dylan Furst

Photo courtesy of Dylan Furst.
Photo courtesy of Dylan Furst.
Dylan Furst’s photography looks a lot like what dreams are made of. Foggy mornings in the Pacific Northwest, trees that reach clear into the clouds, roads winding through the mountainside just begging to be made into a leading line. His Instagram account injects a level of surrealism into existence that is nothing short of breathtaking. Swoon!

Urban Scape

Architecture lovers rejoice. Instagram user, UrbanScape, frequently adds new posts of glorious structures from even more glorious perspectives. It’s chock full of lines, angles, and textures that would do aspiring photographers of any type some good to study. 

Nicole Travel Bug (Nicole Smith)

Photo courtesy of Nicole Smith.
Photo courtesy of Nicole Smith.
Like many photographers, Nicole has been bit by the travel bug, but that’s definitely not a bad thing. Through her colorful Instagram portfolio she invites followers her to join her on her countless journeys and quests around the world. With an eye for interesting light, her photography has a wide range of focus as it delivers a healthy, heaping dose of culture straight to your cell phone.

Ruddy Roye

Transplanted from Jamaica to Brooklyn, Roye has a knack for photo-journalism. His Instagram is jam packed with images that evoke emotions in the way only the greatest of photos can. Each one telling a story, documenting moments in time that are sometimes gritty, sometimes joyous, but always very real.

Let’s Keep This List Growing

Of course, this list isn’t all-inclusive–that would be impossible! I trust you, the LightStalking community to share your favorite Instagram photographers with the world in the comments section below. 


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