10 Ways For A Man To Leave A Lasting Impression


Leaving a lasting impression is crucial, whether it’s at a job interview, important meeting or the initial get-together with your girlfriend’s parents.

1. Be Confident

Confidence is first because it’s the most important. Be sure to try to command a presence. We – as primates – respond to it on a rudimentary level.

2. Dress Nice

If you’re going to be confident, you have to be confident in your gear. Be sure to dress just a bit above what the situation is called for. Don’t go overboard, so leave the top hat at home.

3. Be Groomed

This goes back into the confidence. If you look nice, you play nice.

4. Smile

Smiling is important for every situation. If you’re willing to smile, you’ll find that other people around you will want to do the same thing. Since it’s a positive thing, you have a good chance of leaving that impression.

5. Be A Conversationalist

Be willing to talk. Don’t just speak when spoken to. Try to steer the conversation when appropriate. Just stay away from politics and religion.

6. Maintain Good Body Language

Good posture is important. If your body language is perceived as negative, you’ll leave a negative impression. There couldn’t be anything more counterproductive.

7. Be Interesting

As you steer the conversation, assure that it’s something that people want to talk about. If there’s a lull, drop a pretty interesting fact or astute observation. Easier said than done, but highly effective.

8. Be Interested In What They Have To Say

Listening is important. Let them talk about themselves and ask questions when it’s appropriate.

9. Laugh

Laughing is contagious. If you’re someone who laughs a good amount, you’ll leave the impression of being a pretty jolly guy. That’s not a bad thing.

10. Say Their Name Often

If you’re going to leave a lasting impression, be sure that you’re saying their names as you talk to them. People love to hear their name and it shows that you care enough to remember.
Leaving a lasting impression can do wonders for you, especially if it happens to be for a job interview. By following these tips, you may get exactly what you wanted out of the initial meeting.

Dec 2013


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