By Moonis ( zaitron ) on December 3, 2010 For those of you who have a JDM navigation system installed in their Toyota (vitz, belta, axio, etc) and get the following message on their navigation system “INSERT MAP CD”, i have the solution for you. All that the system needs is a boot CD that will bypass this message. After that you will be able to use most of the features of the system like controlling the treble/base, maintenance log, etc. Everything, apart from the actual GPS navigation will be activated (for that, you require a map file of Pakistan, which unfortunately isn’t available for any system apart from Garmin). Usually you can go to the market (audio stores) and pay Rs.500-2000 for them to unlock your system. Instructions: First thing you need to do is to know the model number of the system you have installed in your car, for eg, NDCN W55 etc. (Model number is usually written at the bottom right of the unit). After that, download the ...
This means that you actually burn fat by consuming Coconut Fat (in addition to coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).
These 3 studies from big medicinal magazines are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world upside down!