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I Am Women..Slavery Is My Destiny

Greek ancients called women, which means half of the men. This was the first world which was added in the dictionary of society to make women the most unnecessary creature of God. Although women was very useful ”THING” for man because she was symbol of love , but in reality she was the thing which pleased the lust of man. The So- called society starts invented new words like
WOMAN IS A SYMBOL OF LOVE; This phrase shows that the only thing a woman can do, is to give pleasure to the man.
WOMAN IS A SYMBOL OF BEAUTY; That’s why we always find women on televisions, many actresses are working in showbiz, But we rarely found any Lady Philosopher, Scientist, or Thinker. Because it will not please Man’s eye and his honor to see woman on the high status of dignity.
RELIGIONS AND WOMAN; When society ended with their rituals regarding the women, then religions started a battle against the women’s freedom, her rights, and her dignity.
1-WORSHIPPERS OF ISHTAR godess( ANCIENT GREEK godess); In ancient time of Greek , every virgin was supposed to sacrifice her virginity at the temple of Ishtar godess. People of that time believe that this will be a blessing for them but in reality it was A SACRED PROSTITUTION which was promoted in the name of Belief and Religion.
2-ISLAM AND ROLE OF WOMEN. When Islam came to an existence, it gave women full rights of freedom and respect which was a revolution in Arab. Before Islamic teachings 1400 years ago, new born baby girls were buried alive in grave. (according to the Muslim scholars) But in contrast there was a women called ”Hind”, daughter of tribe leader, has got all the freedom which a woman (according to the Muslim history) was not able to have. Then question arises in every mature mind that How those woman’s like wives of Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and His companions survived ?
This was all about the Misinterpretation Islam regarding women. Islamic scholars quote that Islam has given all the rights which a women deserves. Islam Forbid PROSTITUTION but on the other hand Mullah has allowed every man for poly prostitution, to allow man four wives at a time. Isn’t it the sacred prostitution?
On the other hand women is forced to wear a Muslim attire, Because if women’s head is not covered that it will arouse Muslim Men’s passion. That’s the Islamic state Mullah wants to create for the sake of Allah or for the Man?? Women is not considered as human? or Islam also differentiates women from men on gender bases?
Women in Pakistan is a born slave. There are many women in Pakistan who have been treated like private property. They are no worth for education, freedom, justice and equality .
Major Problems women do face in their life;
1 Injustice
2 Inequality
3 Sexual Harassment
4 Domestic violence
5 Poly prostitution
6 Lack of education right
7 dowry
8 Honor killings


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